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Local Government Update – June 2020

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Fairhope Planning Commission Meeting – June 1, 2020

Denial Recommendation for 176-Lot Subdivision Proposal

The Fairhope Planning Commission heard a request from 69V Pay Dirt, LLC for Village Subdivision approval. The proposal included 176 single family lots on 59.72 acres. The property is located on the east side of State Hwy. 181, approximately ½ mile north of County Road 24, and is within the City of Fairhope Extra Territorial Jurisdiction. One main entrance along Hwy. 181 was proposed. The Planning Commission recommended a denial based on the high density and did not feel it was appropriate for the area, which is mostly undeveloped. They also did not feel it met the purpose of the Village Subdivision concept, which is to provide an alternative to the standard subdivision regulations and encourage imaginative design, planning, and environmental sensitivity.

Fox Hollow – Phase 3 Granted Extension

The Fairhope Planning Commission granted a request by Montrose Properties, Inc. for an extension of Fox Hollow Subdivision – Phase 3. The extension approval will give developers an extra 12 months for preliminary plat approval. The Phase -3 property is located on the east side of County road 13, just south of Morphy Ave. There are 32 lots on 13.78 acres planned for Phase 3.

Preliminary Plat Approval Recommended for Bishop Road Complex

The Fairhope Planning Commission voted to recommend preliminary plat approval for the Bishop Road MOP (multiple occupancy project). Provision Investments, LLC made the request. The 1.08-acre property is located on the west side of Bishop Rd., just north of Gayfer Rd. There is a total of 7 units planned for the site with two buildings and 22 parking spaces. Each unit will have a single car garage.

Daphne City Council Meeting – June 1, 2020

Re-Zoning Approved for Senior Living Village

The Daphne City Council approved the re-zoning of 20.72 acres located at the northeast corner of Hwy. 98 and Dale Rd. The property is currently zoned B-2, and will be re-zoned to PUD zoning (Planned Unit Development). Plans for the property include developing a 170-unit senior living village, to be named Seagrass Village. The development would include options for varying levels of independence. A two-story main building would house 90 units for both assisted living and independent living. The remainder of the development would be a mixture of patio homes and duplexes.

Foley City Council Meeting – June 1, 2020

Another Re-Zoning for Large Tract Off Foley Beach Express

A large tract of property located at the northeast corner of the Foley Beach Express and County Rd. 32 has been re-zoned again. The property encompasses over 1,700 acres. The property was originally zoned as a PUD (Planned Unit Development) back in 2004, but never developed. Then, in 2019 Braham Holding, LLC successfully received a PUD modification from the Foley City Council in which they proposed a master plan of single family, multi-family, mixed use, commercial, parkland, fire station, and a possible school site. In the last year, the property has changed hands again. Now, FB Express LLC has petitioned the City of Foley to re-zone the property. This time the request is to change from PUD to three separate zoned districts; B-2 (Neighborhood Business), AO (Agricultural Open Space), and R-1C (Single Family). The Foley City Council approved the zoning change. There were no plans for the property disclosed at this time. Prior to any future development, the City must approve a site plan.

Baldwin County Commission Meeting

Savannah Estates Subdivision Granted Approval

At the 5-19-2020 meeting of the Baldwin County Commission final site plan approval was granted for Savannah Estates Subdivision. The 122-acre property has come before the Planning Commission and County Commission several times amid concerns over drainage, open space, and an operational dirt pit on the property. The approval comes after the issues have been addressed to the satisfaction of the County Commission and staff. The residential subdivision will have 355 lots upon completion. The property is generally located northeast of the intersection of County Rd. 64 and County Road 54, in the Daphne/Belforest area.

Orange Beach City Council Meeting – June 16, 2020

Dollar General Appeal Set for September

In March, the Orange Beach Planning Commission denied a request from The Broadway Group, LLC (Dollar General) for a site plan to construct a 9,100 square foot retail store in the Bear Point area of Orange Beach. The property is located on Canal Road, west of Bear Point Plaza. The .93-acre property is in the GB (General Business) zoning district, and had double road frontage with Canal Rd. to the south, and Magnolia Ave. to the north. Planning Commission members had safety concerns over the parking, truck delivery, and traffic plans for the lot. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to deny the site plan, citing safety over access of large delivery trucks to the site. Since that time, the Broadway group has filed an appeal of the Planning Commission decision and are asking for more time to gather traffic information before the appeal is heard. The Orange Beach City Council was reluctant to delay the appeal to the requested October date, but ultimately voted to allow the Broadway Group time to gather more information and set the appeal date for September 1, 2020 before the Orange Beach City Council.

Foley Planning Commission Meeting – June 17, 2020

Creation of RV Park Zoning Amendment Considered in Foley

The Foley Planning Commission is making a recommendation to the City Council to adopt a proposed zoning ordinance amendment that would create a new RV Park Zoning classification. The proposed amendments are expected to go before the City Council sometime in August. Currently developers who wish to create an RV park must apply under PUD (planned unit development) zoning. The new zoning classification would only apply to properties within the city limits. RV Park zoning would have an emphasis on screening requirements from adjacent property by using fencing, landscape vegetation, or earthen berms.

2-Lot Division Approved in Foley

The Foley Planning Commission approved a request from John Flowers for a minor subdivision of 38 acres. The parcel will be divided into two lots. The property is located south of County Road 16 and west of County Road 65. The property is within the City of Foley Planning Jurisdiction. There are no pending plans for development at this time.

Baldwin County Planning Commission Meeting – June 18, 2020 (CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM)

Gulf Shores Planning Commission Meeting – June 23, 2020

Trailside Plat Extension Request Denied

The Gulf Shores Planning Commission denied a request for a two-year extension of the preliminary plat for Trailside Subdivision. In 2018 the city approved the re-zoning and preliminary plat of the 82-acre property from GB to R-1-5 with a 205-lot single family subdivision planned. There have been no improvements made to the property to date. Since the original approval, the city has made changes to the R-1-5 zoning district which result in the original Trailside plat no longer meeting the minimum requirements. The property is located south of Coastal Gateway Blvd., and east of Crimson Ridge Subdivision.

Mobile Food Unit Zoning Amendment Re-Visited

In 2017 there was interest in permitting food trucks in Gulf Shores. At that time, the city staff developed drafts for both a Food Truck Pilot Program and Mobile Vendor Courts. After some opposition from brick and mortar restaurants the city chose to support the creation of Mobile Vendor Court regulations, as opposed to a Food Truck Pilot Program. In December of 2019, after more growing interest, the City of Gulf Shores developed standards for a Food Truck Pilot Program. The Pilot Program allows a limited number of Mobile Food Units to operate without the requirement of being within an approved Mobile Vendor Court location. Under the Pilot Program a maximum of 10 permits will be issued, and Mobile Food Units can locate within any non-residential zoned areas. The Pilot Program is currently ongoing and is not set to expire until December 2020. Due to a citizen request, the City was asked to make the Pilot Program permanent by amending the Zoning Ordinance to allow Mobile Food Units, before getting the results of the Pilot Program. The Gulf Shores Planning Commission voted to recommend tabling the request for a permanent zoning change until after the completion of the Pilot Program and the results and data can be analyzed.

Daphne Planning Commission Meeting – June 25, 2020

Diamante, Phase II Receives Final Plat

The Daphne Planning Commission approved the final plat for Phase II of the Diamante Subdivision. The property is located on the east side of County Road 13, northeast of the intersection of Amethyst Dr. and Red Eagle Dr. The 23-acre property contains 39 residential lots.


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