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Local Government Update – December 2024

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Fairhope Planning Commission Meeting – December 2, 2024

Gayfer Rd. Re-Zoning Recommended for Denial

The Fairhope Planning Commission sent a denial recommendation to the city Council for a conditional annexation application concurrent with a re-zoning request.  The 5.2-acre property is located on Gayfer Rd. Ext. close to the intersection of Gayfer Rd. Ext. and Bishop Rd.  The vacant property is currently zoned RSF-E in the County.  Developers were seeking to annex into the city with a zoning of R-2.   

Supper Club Re-Zoning From R-1 to B-1 Approved

The Fairhope Planning Commission recommended approval of the re-zoning of two acres located at the terminus of Sweetwater Circle, off Scenic Hwy. 98.  There are a total of four vacant parcels combined in a re-plat.  Plans for the site include a restaurant to replace the Supper Club that was destroyed by fire. The Planning Commission recommended approval on the condition that the only allowable use would be for a restaurant, subject to Board of Adjustment approval.

Preliminary Restaurant Renderings
Preliminary Restaurant Renderings

Express Oil Change Business Approved for Hwy. 181

The Fairhope Planning Commission voted to approve the site plan for a national chain express oil change business.  The .99-acre property is located at 22179 Hwy. 181.  The B-2-zoned site is an outparcel within the Publix shopping center fronting Hwy. 181 just north of the intersection with Hwy. 104.

Oil Change Business Rendering
Oil Change Business Rendering

Daphne City Council Meeting – December 2, 2024

Re-Zoning Approved for DISC Property

The Daphne City Council gave final approval for the re-zoning of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) consisting of 59 acres located on the southwest corner of Champions Way and Hwy. 181.  Developers have proposed a new project to re-imagine the Daphne Innovation + Science Complex (DISC) site into a neighborhood commercial hub.  The plan would preserve the corporate office component, and add single-family attached townhomes, multifamily, retail, commercial, and hospitality space.  The mixed-use walkable commercial center design would incorporate common greenspace and amenities for residents.  There is also a hotel planned for the western portion that borders along Hwy. 181.  The Novelis national training center is planning to occupy corporate office space in the development.  Preliminary estimates of density include over 500 multi-family units, 87 townhomes, 200-room hotel, and over 64,000 square feet of 1st floor commercial space.

Layout for Former DISC Property
Layout for Former DISC Property

Spanish Fort City Council Meeting – December 2, 2024

Commercial Re-Zoning Denied

The Spanish Fort City Council voted to deny a re-zoning request for property located at 6625 Spanish Fort Blvd.  Developers sought to re-zone the 1.3-acre property from B-2 to B-3 with hopes of constructing an oil change business.  There were many residents in attendance that voiced concern over traffic, environmental impacts, and the potential for future development at a busy intersection.


Orange Beach City Council Meeting – December 3, 2024

Saltwater Cottage PUD Phase II Approved

The Orange Beach City Council approved a request to re-zone four acres from RS-1 to PUD.  The property is located at 23608 Perdido Beach Blvd. and is just east of the Saltwater Cottages PUD that was approved in 2022.  There are five single-family homes planned for the site.  The 3-story homes are planned to have 6 bedrooms and allow short-term rentals. Part of the PUD plan called for four parking spaces that would be designated for beach access parking for the Buena Vista RV Resort which is located across the street. A boardwalk would connect those spaces to the beach.  The beach access parking would be classified as an off-site accessory use that would require a zoning deviation. The Council was opposed to the off-site beach access for Buena Vista RV Resort.  The PUD approval was granted after the developer removed the request for the off-site parking and beach access.

Saltwater Cottages
Saltwater Cottages

Baldwin County Planning Commission Meeting – December 5, 2024        

Re-Zoning Recommended for Hwy. 104 Property

The Baldwin County Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the re-zoning of 31 acres from BCZ (Base Community Zoning) to B-2 and RSF-2.  The property is located on the north side of Hwy. 104 and east of St. Michaels Way, approximately one mile east of the intersection of Hwy. 104 and 181.  The property is currently vacant.  The southern 10 acres are proposed for commercial development, and the northern 21.7 acres are slated for residential development.  There were no specific plans revealed.  Residents from the nearby Verandas neighborhood appeared at the public hearing and voiced opposition. The zoning recommendation will go before the County Commission for final approval sometime in early 2025.

Elberta Re-Zoning Denied for Subdivision Expansion

The Baldwin County Planning Commission voted to recommend denial for a re-zoning and Planned Residential Development (PRD) request which would have expanded a previously approved subdivision application.  The Bear Creek Subdivision originally gained approval to put 132 lots on 59 acres located off Hwy. 83 and north of Kichler Circle near Elberta.  Developers gained an additional 58 acres adjacent to the north and sought to re-zone that parcel and combine the total number of residential lots to 247 and override the original PRD plan.  The Planning Commission voted to deny the application.  The request will now be moved to the County Commission for a final vote.


Orange Beach Planning Commission Meeting – December 6, 2024

Planning Commission Approves Shooting Range Site Plan

The Orange Beach Planning Commission recommended approval of the site plan for the City of Orange Beach Shooting Sports Complex.  The 88-acre property is located at 23173 Russian Road.  The site plan calls for shooting ranges, a 4,000 square foot clubhouse, a 1,200 square foot storage shed, and an 11,000 square foot safe room building.  There were complaints from several nearby property owners about the noise and increased traffic on the dirt roadway leading to the site.  

Subdivision of Abbey Road PUD Approved

The Orange Beach Planning Commission approved the preliminary major subdivision of 3.7 acres as part of the Abbey Road PUD Master Plan that was approved in August of 2024.  The property is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Canal Road and Captain Trent Lane.  There are 33 single family residential lots planned with an average lot size of 2,800 square feet.


Gulf Shores Planning Commission Meeting – December 17, 2024

Oyster Bay Townhouses Subdivision Plat Approved

The Gulf Shores Planning Commission approved the preliminary subdivision plat to subdivide 3.77 acres located near the intersection of Hwy. 180 West and Oyster Bay Lane.  There are 40 townhouse lots planned for the site which will be sold as fee-simple individual lots.  The site plan for the property was approved in 2022. The property is zoned BG (General Business Dist.).


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